Thursday, December 1, 2022

A Bad Day

…Or maybe a bad week, or month, or whatever. I feel like I have a black cloud over my head. Ever since Bill got sick, there has been little good and a whole lot of bad. Today my dogs ran away! I had gone to Target to return an order, and when I got back my gate was open and they were gone. The company replacing the fiber optic cable were on my block today, and I am pretty sure they opened my gate and failed to close it. My dogs finally came back so that was a relief. They have been super anxious the last few days.

These two were Bill’s, and I’m pretty sure they know something is wrong. So far, they have chewed up my reading glasses, the TV remote, a hairbrush, a box of smoothie straws, the poo bag dispenser, my pill organizer, and I don’t know what all else. They also stole a bag of Fritos from the table and ate them. I am going to have to start crating them when I leave the house. They are not puppies, so they’re behavior is a little out of character.

What else? I broke a tooth day before yesterday. I went out yesterday to start Bill’s truck and the battery was dead. Okay, that’s not that bad. I found the charger and put it on the battery terminals, and it started fine last night. But, it was just one more thing to deal with. The wheel fell off my cordless vacuum. Oh, I could go on and on.

I am a generally positive person, but right now, I am wondering what is going on. I have a Bible app on my iPad, and I do the Bible study of the day, but today, I skipped that and went straight to the book of Job because that’s kinda how I feel right now. So far, I haven’t broken out with sores and I pray I won’t. Today is a new month, and I am hoping for the best.


  1. Oh Carolyn! You really have had so much to deal with! I’m glad that you turned to the Bible. I’m sure your dogs do sense something is wrong. I’m so glad that you got them back. I prayed for you!

  2. This too shall pass. We don't know why God is testing you this way but believe me you will get through it. God bless and take care.

    1. Yes, I will get through it. I just have to trust that God is in control of each and every situation.

  3. Oh my goodness Carolyn! I had to laugh about no sores, but I know it isn't funny. Bill's poor doggies - I know how frustrating it is, but mine is a puppy, so I feel for you. I'm so sorry, I pray things will balance out and start on the upswing for you.

    1. I was joking about the sores---but, I did schedule my shingles vaccination, so maybe I wasn't totally joking.
