Sunday, November 27, 2022

This Is Hard

So, everything has taken a turn for the worse. We lost Bill at 2:20 pm on Thanksgiving day. I am so devastated I am just raw. I know I will get through this, but I’m not sure how. I am home now, and I have a great support group, but it is incredibly hard to get through each day. I assume it will get better at some point. Please pray for me.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Words don’t seem like enough.

  2. Oh Carolyn, I am so very sorry! I just saw your post and a chill went through me. I read back through your posts from the past few days and I'm just in shock. I cannot imagine the devastation you must feel, especially since it seemed to all happen so fast! I just pray God is giving you some measure of comfort, although I know that it's not possible to be comforted right now. Please lean on all those who want to help you. I am sending you my very best prayers and thoughts and I'm just so sorry.

  3. Praying for you to find peace, acceptance and a new way forward. You will get through it. We are all wrapping our quilts around your shoulders. God bless you Carolyn.

  4. Carolyn, I'm so terribly sorry to hear about your husband. I know of you through our blogs and visit from Linda's To-Do Tuesday link-up. Please know that we quilters are thinking of you and sending lots of love.

  5. So sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers.

  6. I'm so very sorry, Carolyn. I will definitely be praying for you in the coming days.

  7. I went back and read your previous posts. Please accept my deepest condolences for your unexpected, tremendous, unbelievably painful loss! You and your loved ones will be in my prayers in the months to come. Big, squishy hugs to you!

  8. Carolyn, praying for you and your family, as this is so awful. Know the quilting community is there with the warmth of all our quilts wrapped around you. I will stitch with you and yours in my heart these coming weeks.

  9. So, so very sorry for your loss. My heart breaks. Praying for you and your family.

  10. Carolyn, I am so sorry for your loss, sending prayers your way.
