Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The New Normal

Let me just say, the new normal doesn’t feel normal…..yet. 

Meals - a plate in front of the tv. That’s not normal for me, but that’s what is happening now.

Friends and neighbors have brought food; if it’s a casserole, I divide it into single-serving portions and freeze them. My daughter invites me to eat with her family several times a week. I’m not sure why everyone is worried about me eating. I am a chow hound who never forgets to eat. 

I’m down from four dogs to three. I didn’t feel I could handle four by myself, and my daughter has always wanted Rosie, so that’s what has happened.

Oh, I love this dog, but Bill and I always joked that Rosie wanted to be an only dog, so I think she is happier. Rosie was my agility dog, so now I am trying to get Reba focused enough to do the agility course. Good luck with that! The other three have turned into needy weirdos. Reba found a ball she had buried somewhere in the yard and brought it into the house.
The ball is blue, but it’s so covered with dirt you can’t tell. She kept bouncing it until the floor looked like this:

Look at her front paws—muddy from digging up the ball:

I have an olive addiction. I eat green olives straight out of the jar at least once a day. I don’t know what that’s about, but I seem to be craving them. I got some large green olives at Aldi’s stuffed with different things. I like the jalapeño, but these are pretty good also.

TV - we only have antenna as we weren’t TV watchers. Well, Bill had some kind of subscription for the sports channels so he could watch football, but I don’t even know how to use those. Now, I have the TV on quite a bit in the evenings. I think I need to get cable or a subscription service that isn’t sports. I think I will do that soon.

I am trying to keep things normal, but the holidays are coming up, and nothing feels normal. I need to shop for the grandkids and get that behind me; I may just give the adults gift cards. My stepdad is a bloody mary drinker—maybe I can get him some olives. LOL.


  1. You have so many adjustments to be made. It’s never easy. I keep you in my prayers. I’m the one who asked about the quilt shop with the cute mug rugs. I ordered three kits and they arrived yesterday. Now to find some time to sew one together!!

    1. Thank you for the prayers. If you are ever in Victoria, be sure and check out Quilter's Patch. It is an awesome store. Better yet, look me up and I will go with you!

    2. That could happen some day! My husband goes by Victoria sometimes for work. Maybe I’ll ride with him one of these days!
