Thursday, August 5, 2021

Another Finish

 It stopped raining long enough to get outside and get a photo. I'd really rather wait for some clear weather than take the picture in the house. My interior lighting is so bad. I've been known to think my clothing matched, and then get to work and see that I was wearing a bunch of stuff that didn't match. I once wore a black shoe and a navy blue shoe. Granted they were the same style, but definitely two different colors. Here's the quilt top.

I know that one dark blue square in the corner looks odd, but that is what came in the layer cake, so apparently I decided to go with it. I am happy to have the top done, and I had some of the solid brown left over, so I went ahead and cut strips and got them sewn together for binding. I rolled it up and put it all in a little bag so I can safety pin it to the top. 
I figured that was my best bet as there sure wasn't enough of the pink border left to use that for binding. I really like this quilt; I was thinking of donating it, but once it's quilted, I may ask the granddaughters and see if one of them wants it. 

Speaking of rain, my purple sage (which always blooms a few days before it rains), is blooming like crazy. 
Just blooms on tops of blooms. Yes, I need to think out the flower bed. I don't know when I'll get to it.

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