Saturday, August 21, 2021

Crazier Eights

Finally, finally got in the mood to do some sewing and got the center of this one together.

I like it a lot. The 30's prints with that 30's green sashing, the crazy-pieced blocks--this is a style I am always attracted to. Here is a shot of the whole thing.
The wind was blowing a little, but not too bad. The sun was a little bright though. I thought I knew what I was going to use for a border, but I needed to buy a little more than what I had on hand. I went to the quilt store to get some, and that's where the whole plan fell apart. I found something I liked as much if not better than my original choice. Here are both of the bolts.
I have used the red already on a couple of things. It's part of the same line as the layer cakes I used for this quilt, but.....that green was so different. I couldn't decide and I wavered back and forth and back and forth for an uncomfortable amount of time. I finally sent a picture to Alan for another opinion, and went with his recommendation. I think the ladies at the quilt shop were just glad I finally decided on something. 

I won't get to work on it this weekend as I'll be in Victoria. I'll work on my granny squares instead. That one will eventually get done too; just in small increments.

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