Monday, August 9, 2021

Daily Activity

 I've been doing great on walking every day. I've managed to do six days a week for the past month, and I've worked up to two miles. The dogs keep me accountable--if they think it's time to walk, they start pacing and whining....and staring at me. I have tried different things when it comes to walking them. I have taken one, then come back to the house and gotten the other one. In effect, changing dogs mid-walk. I have tried putting one on the hands-free leash that goes around my waist, and the other on a regular leash--they don't like it because one is always ahead of the other. What's working for now is a leash for two dogs.

It has a sort of a ring where the three pieces connect, and that seems to help with the tangling problem.

When I leave here and move back to Victoria, there are several things I will miss, but the thing I will miss the most is the walking trail that is only two blocks from my house. 

The city does a great job of maintaining it, and it just so convenient. Today we saw some buzzards on a street post.
Pretty funny. It looks like they are having a conversation.

The weather hasn't been too terrible this past week as far as heat. It's humid, but I can stand that. We are back at home, and both dogs are crashed. 

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