Thursday, January 5, 2023

January UFO Goals

The January Number is 3.

I have a list for quilting and a list for piecing. I actually started a third list for kits I haven’t started, but I’m not sure if I want to go there or not. Most of the kits can’t be finished in a month, so I would just be creating another UFO, but they are essentially UFO’s now, so I can’t decide what is the best strategy. 

Anyway, my number 3 for quilting is the Keyhole quilt.

It’s a good candidate for finishing since I have a backing fabric and a binding fabric picked out and ready to go. I may try to squeeze it in next week. I have a couple of customer quilts to bind, and I could get this on the frame while I am working on that. 

My number 3 for piecing is Urban Hexagons.

It just needs borders. I would be embarrassed to say how many of my UFO’s just need borders….that is always where I get stalled out. It always has been, and I don’t really know why. I have the fabric for the outer border on this one. You can see from the picture, I already did the inner border. It will probably get done this month, at least I hope so.

Yesterday, I stopped at Goodwill for some thrifting, and look what I found.

It’s a Moda jelly roll called Sunshine Soul. It’s not bad for $3.99. Oh I forgot to post this picture yesterday. This car was parked next to me at JoAnn’s.
The steering wheel cover is crocheted! Is it creepy that I took a picture of the inside of their car? Maybe. 


  1. Wow on that Moda jelly roll - I just looked it up and it's pretty. Haha, a crocheted wheel cover, can't imagine how that would be beneficial in any way other than looks. ;)

    1. I can't say I've ever need a crocheted steering wheel cover; I was just worried someone would walk out of the store and ask me why I was taking a picture of the inside of the car--I tried to be really stealthy. LOL. I already have a plan for the jelly roll--something fast and easy, and I have some lilac colored solid I can use with it.

  2. I love your idea for UFOs!! The 3 lists...I might have to steal that!! It sounds so simple and doable.

    1. Thanks Anne. I have been doing it about three years now, and it works for me.
