Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year


Oh my, another new year; it seems like it was just New Years Day 2022, but here we are. I don’t really do resolutions—well, except for the UFO lists. I do plan to go back to my exercise classes, though. I haven’t been since early November, and the break hasn’t done me any favors. I woke up last night because my hip was hurting. That’s generally a sign I’ve been sitting too much and not exercising enough.

I did use the random word generator to choose a focus word for 2023.

Resilience. I think it is appropriate. My 2022 word was embrace. I did pretty well with that until the end of the year when the universe threw me a curve ball. So now, I need some resilience. Here is the word word generator if anyone is interested in picking one.

Today I will go to my daughter’s for black-eyed peas and cabbage. Speaking of black-eyed peas, yesterday I made black-eyed pea dip. Oh my it was good. 

It’s a Pioneer Woman recipe, and you can find it here. I didn’t think to take a picture until I had already dug into it. In my defense, I didn’t expect it to be so delicious.  The Corning dish is a small one—I think it’s the 6-1/2” one. Oh, I also didn’t use jalapeños since it already had salsa in it.

In closing, I sincerely hope 2023 is a wonderful year for all of us.

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