Tuesday, January 24, 2023

To-Do-List Tuesday 1-24-23

It's Tuesday! It seems like it got here awfully early this week. How did I do on last week's list?

1) Put inner and outer borders on the quilt formerly known as Cheaper by the Dozen. I never did have time to work on this one. 
2) Get the other two rows added to the Two Step top. I had some spare time Sunday afternoon to work on this one.

3) Make some progress on my APQS UFO goals for January. I got completely done with my piecing goal
and the quilting from my quilting list is done, but needs a binding.

4) Get the prework done for the Border Workshop the guild is having next week. I have the the center block done, and I think I've made 19 of the 36 pinwheels. I also precut some of the borders.
5) Get three more customer quilts done. I got the two umbrella girl quilts done--pictures here, and the third one was a sample for the quilt shop which I returned last week without taking a picture. Next time I go in there, I will photograph it.

I guess last week's list sort of sets the agenda for this week. I need to continue with the things that didn't get done yet.

1) Inner and outer borders for Cheaper by the Dozen.
2) Finish the pinwheels for the border workshop.
3) Two day workshop on borders--Thursday and Friday.
4) Bind keyhole quilt.
5) Borders for Two Step quilt

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. I am really looking forward to a two-day workshop. I haven't had a sewing day outside my own area for a few months, and it will be fun to sew with other like-minded people. I am linking to Quilt Schmilt. Be sure and check out her To-Do-List Tuesday post to see what other quilters are working on.


  1. Wow Carolyn! You had an amazing week and got quite a few check marks on your list. Your Two Step and Hexie quilts are so pretty and cheerful. I love the photo of your quilted top! Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Good luck this week with your list. Have fun at your workshop! 😉Carol

  2. You get an enormous amount of quilts done! Good luck with your goals this week. :)
