Saturday, January 28, 2023

More Borders

Yesterday was the second and final day of the borders workshop. I’m disappointed that I didn’t get more done, but nobody else really got any farther than I did….although I left at 2pm because my back was hurting, and I don’t know how long some of the others may have stayed. This step took forever:

I got so confused at some point. That is partly my fault. I changed some of the sizes to make it look the way I wanted it to look, and then the directions didn’t really make sense. I did get the first pieced border put on.
The next one is a floating border, and then flying geese. The floating border is really just a spacer…..I increased the width of the pale aqua one, and then I had to add an extra square on each side of the last border. As a reminder, here is the instructor’s:

I am trying to see if we can get the same instructor back next year to do another workshop. I talked to her a little bit about it, and she has several lectures, and a workshop on a lone star table runner. I am in charge of scheduling the programs next year, and I am hoping to get it done with a minimum of complaints. Some members are already asking for out-of-state teachers, and I’m not sure our budget can support the expenses. I will bring it up at the next board meeting and see what happens. My thought is that if someone wants a nationally recognized teacher, then that guild member should also do a program/workshop themselves. That would balance the cost. That will also go over like a lead balloon. LOL. What’s the saying? You can’t please everyone, but pissing everyone off is a snap. 

And what’s on the agenda for today? Well, my machine is still in the back of the car, so I will need to get it unloaded. It lives at my shop, and I have some projects I need to work on there. It would be good if I can load Marilyn’s quilt and get it quilted plus maybe make some binding for my keyhole quilt. I need to carve out some time to work on the borders quilt as well, so it doesn’t become another UFO.

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