Tuesday, June 28, 2022

To Do List Tuesday

First off, here’s the good news—we got some rain! We still need more, but Bill and I were so happy to see rain, we sat outside on the patio. Of course, we got wet, but we didn’t care. It was 100 degrees prior to the rain clouds moving in, so it was a welcome relief. 

On last week’s to-do list, I would say I did okay but not great. My number one is getting close, but I still need to cut a couple of squares before I can finish the outer border. The inner border is done, although you can’t tell it from this picture.

Number two was the Villa Rosa pattern and it is finished and ready to move over to the “to be quilted” list.

I think number three was Jacob’s Ladder, and I didn’t work on it at all. Number four was to work on the Color Collage sashing, and I did a little, but didn’t have the time available to finish it. 

For this week:
Number 1: Finish the border on Shout It Out
Number 2: Finish the sashing on Color Collage
Number 3: Start the new quilt I blogged about on Saturday. It’s a 3-yard pattern called Chevron.

That’s all I’m putting on my list for the week. If I get a chance, I have a couple of other things I want to get done, but for now, I need to keep it achievable. I need to contact the QOV recipients, and then try to set up a venue for the presentation. 

I will be linking this post to TexasQuiltGal.


  1. I like both of those quilts. They look fairly easy and fresh looking. Hope you make great progress on this week's list.

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, they are easy and should have been done more quickly, but life got in the way.

  2. Those are all pretty projects. Good luck with your list.

  3. I love your flimsies, especially the first one! Glad you got some rain. I see by your profile you live in Victoria - looks like a tropical system might be headed your way, so maybe some more rain! My DIL grew up in Victoria, so we have visited there a few times.
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!
