Thursday, October 5, 2023

Cleaning and Thinking

I haven't done any sewing in two days! That's unusual for me. When I got up Tuesday morning, I went into the kitchen to make coffee, and I noticed the refrigerator in the utility room was making a noise like the compressor was trying to cycle on and then it would cut off. Hmmm. I have a refrigerator in the kitchen, but it is a counter-depth one so it doesn't hold a lot. Consequently, I never got rid of my old one, and it has been in the utility room since I moved into the house in 1998. 

Appliance Pro came out that afternoon to look at it and informed the compressor was dead and could not be replaced. That made me sad. I've had the refrigerator since 1983, and it has outlived two husbands. Plus, it's big and holds a lot.
I had to clear out all the stuff that was on top of it and beside it.....I'm not sure where that's all going to go. I am still busy purging. 

My new one was delivered yesterday. I decided I didn't need a huge one, and I don't need the ice and water service since I have that on the kitchen frig, so that saved me a little money.

It freed up quite a bit of space in the utility room compared to what it was before.

I also noticed the garage is getting pretty cluttered, so I spent about an hour yesterday morning working on all that. There is so much I need to do--I know I haven't really had any energy for some time. I'm going to keep working on getting things straightened up, and then I may hire a cleaning crew to come in and do a deep clean. I think that's what it needs; I just don't know how long it will take me to get there.

The first thing I put back into the new frig:
My energy level is not good, but there's nothing wrong with my priorities!


  1. Excellent priority :D That is amazing your fridge lasted 40 years - a long time! I'd be sad to see it go too.

    1. Haha! I was ready for a glass of wine after all day of transferring food.
