Tuesday, October 17, 2023

To-Do-List Tuesday 10-17-23

 It's been a busy week, but I managed to get a few things accomplished. Here's the progress:

1) Bind Bohemia quilt. Yes! 

2) Cut out another charity quilt. Yes. I actually cut out three more.
There is another of the dinosaur print ones that didn't make it into the picture.
3) Borders for the two vintage quilts. No. I thought about it a little, but I didn't do it.

Now it's a new week; the weather is beautiful; and I need to get back on track. I'm not sure what I will want to work on as I don't a strong desire to do any particular project, but I will make a list and see what happens.

1) Get charity quilts put together and get the borders done. There are four ready to go if you count this one that only needs the outer borders:
2) Cut out another charity quilt from the Lickety Split pattern.
3) Put the borders on the two vintage quilts.
4) Start working on a quilt a lady wants me to make from some vintage blocks made by her late mother.

That should be enough to keep me busy and focused. Today I will be at church working on comfort quilts and tomorrow Janice is coming to Victoria so we can go see a travel agent about a trip we're planning for March. More on that later!

I hope everyone has a good week! Thanks for visiting! I am linking this post to Quilt Schmilt.


  1. Congrats on binding and finishing! Lots of projects going on and they're all looking good!
