Thursday, October 19, 2023


I am so happy with all the things I got done yesterday, and some of them are actually on my to-do list. This one wasn't:

It's a quilt that was pieced by one my favorite customers, and I got the quilting finished. She's such a nice lady, and all of her quilts are colorful and scrappy--just my style. She also made a scrappy back.
I recognize these fabrics as pieces I trimmed off the back of other quilts I have quilted for her. Of course, I always return the cut-away pieces, and she managed to use them, so kudos to her!

After I finished Chris's quilt, I finished the borders on this one:
This one was on my to-do list, so that's one thing checked off. And, here's another one I can check off:

Two borders in one day is pretty good for me--I have been known to stall out on the borders. Having a to-do list helps me get things done that I would otherwise procrastinate on, so I'm counting this as a win!


  1. I love that scrappy quilt too, and especially the scrappy back. You do a lot of quilting - is most of it local, or do you have customers from other states/countries?

  2. Hi Linda. My customers are almost exclusively local. The few that I have from out of state have relatives or friends that are local.
