Monday, October 16, 2023

Weekend Update.

Oh my, I am tired. I’m so glad Lutherfest is over for another year. I was at the church Saturday cutting 50 pounds of onions and bagging cookies. A bag of three cookies is put on the to-go plates; anyone dining in gets a piece of cake or pie. On Friday I baked six dozen cookies and 4 dozen cupcakes. The cupcakes were for the cake wheel. Saturday evening I baked four cakes, also for the cake wheel. Here are some pictures from Sunday. The serving line:
We served barbecue chicken, beans, German potatoes, and coleslaw. 

There was a live auction. Here’s some of the stuff being auctioned:

Isn’t that funny? A bale of hay and some bags of cow feed!

You can see my A&M quilt behind the accordion player.

We also had a silent auction which filled two of the Sunday school rooms.

And, here is a picture of the cakes for the cake wheel:

The money raised by this festival funds Christ’s Kitchen, Perpetual Help Home (a women’s shelter), and Victoria Christian Assistance Ministries. 

I had a little time to sew—not much. I cut out a few pieces for some of my charity quilts.
I cut enough for two of the dinosaurs quilts and one of the jungle animals and started sewing the squares together. I moved my little 3/4 size sewing machine to the breakfast nook so I could sew while I was waiting for the oven timer, and I was able to get a little bit done. 

I found this blog last night via Pinterest. It’s interesting, and of course, I am always interested in being more productive. I think there’s some really good takeaways here. The section about meal planning is great, although I am not into shopping virtually. There is a lot I can apply from sections 1-8, but that’s where it ends. Section 9 is Get Organized, and Section 10 is Delegate When You Can. I can’t do much with that. I’m not organized and have never been, and I don’t have anyone to delegate to. It’s just me, so there is no delegating.

1 comment:

  1. Love and miss those kinds of church activities! I'm always in for the food - lol! Hope you have more "me" time this week.
